Who Else Wants to Know the 5 Texas Hold 'em Poker Secrets to Winning?
Who Else Wants to Know the 5 Texas Hold 'em Poker Secrets to Winning?

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Let's face it, in Texas Hold 'em poker you don't need to count the cards to determine your odds of winning. Simple Rules with thrilling secrets! Now let's get down to the 5 secrets of winning at everyone's favorite poker game!
#5. Patience - Be patient when you get a bad hand. Money that is not betted is not lost! When you get a bad hand "Fold" it and call a Flop and wait for better hands to spend your money on. So make sure, your money is only spent on the better hands! This increases your chance of winning.
#4. Keep an eye on Opponent - Don't play every card. Most are lousy hands. Your opponents have the same fear of losing in the hopes of waiting for the right hand, just like you. Let them play the lousy hand, and you only play the hand that is better!
#3. Practice, practice and practice - Start with the lower limit games, build experience and confidence with it. Then move on to higher limit games. You can still have fun and profit at the lower limit games.
#2. Mindset - Book smarts are not going to help you to win. You need to have the correct winning mindset in you. You need to be psychologically fit to beat other opponents at the no limit games. That is attained with right practice and perfection of the game. You need to start believing in your moves and be confident at it. You need to be optimistic and never let fear stop you.
#1. Get the basics right! - You need to be in a fine grip to calculate pot odds and implied odds. Those are some of the basic stuffs. And when you have played at least 100 lower limit games, you have mastered the rules.
Be assured that all people lose bets, just take that as a stepping stone to success. Learn from them and just keep moving forward. Surviving losses is part of the game for everyone. You better work hard to make those mistakes soon and learn from it.

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